Copy word table to excel carriage returns
Copy word table to excel carriage returns

copy word table to excel carriage returns

I have the same problem and couldnt get any reasonable answer in the internet. Tuesday, Ap10:53:06 AM - Evgeny Ponamarev Clear the checkbox for "Retain CR/LF on copy or save" to get a multi-line result as a single line. Select "Tools - Options" from the SSMS menu and navigate to "Query results - SQL Server - Results to Grid". It is NOT necessary to rewrite the query, this behavior is just a setting in newer versions of SSMS. Thanks for the solution, I also had the same problem and you solution is perfect. I have the option set to allow line breaks in grid result in SSMS, which works fine, and when pasted from SSMS into Excel, I want a multi-line cell.

copy word table to excel carriage returns

For example, I have a table with a text cell containing a log, with separate lines. This isn't workable if one WANTS the linefeeds in the cell in Excel.

Copy word table to excel carriage returns